While the park offers many great close-up photo opportunities for all visitors, some photographers may wish to take advantage of our Photo Pass. An Annual Photo Pass can be added to any Sylvan Heights membership, while non-members can opt for a single-day Photo Pass. The Photo Pass gives you access to the park before public hours, plus unique photography vantage points.
Annual Photo Pass for Members
Please note: you must have a current Sylvan Heights membership BEFORE purchasing an annual Photo Pass.
*Individual level includes benefits for one person. Individual Plus level includes benefits for one person plus one guest.
PLEASE NOTE: By purchasing a Photo Pass, you are agreeing to our Photo Policy below.PHOTO PASS BENEFITS
Admission to Sylvan Heights Bird Park at 8:00 a.m. (one hour prior to public opening). A key to our “Photo Diamonds”; specially designed ports in the aviary fencing that allow your lens to pass through for unobstructed photographs of the birds. Access to the Photo Diamonds is ONLY available to PhotoPass members.We ask that you kindly give us advance notice if you plan to use your PhotoPass before our normal operating hours so that we may notify park staff. A valid driver’s license is required for the use of a Photo Diamond key. Call (252) 826-3186 for more information.
Sylvan Heights Bird Park encourages photography for personal and non-commercial purposes. If you share your photos on social media, feel free to tag us – we love seeing your visit! The use of tripods is permitted throughout the park as long as they do not block pathways. For the safety of the birds, large equipment, such as lighting softboxes, umbrellas, reflectors, etc., are not permitted within any aviaries. Commercial photography and professional photo sessions (engagement shoots, portraits, etc) require a written contract prior to your visit. The sale of photos taken at Sylvan Heights to stock photography websites is not permitted. Photography for other publishing/media outlets requires a written agreement before your visit, and approval of final photos by Sylvan Heights staff. For any inquiries about photography at Sylvan Heights Bird Park, please contact katie@shwpark.com.